Power Ministry Course


Power Ministry


  • * Wisdom: the ability to understand the Bible and God’s will and to apply that understanding in life.
  • * Knowledge: the ability to understand and communicate God’s truths because of revelations from God.
  • * Faith: a steadfastness in prayer and trust, especially in the midst of trials.
  • * Healing: the ability to heal others by the power of God.
  • * Miracles: the ability to perform miracles by the power of God.
  • * Prophecy: the ability to publicly proclaim the truth of the Scriptures.
  • * Discernment: the ability to recognize lying spirits and false doctrines.
  • * Speaking in tongues: the ability to speak in another language(s) that the speaker has not learned and cannot understand.
  • * Interpretation of tongues: the ability to understand and translate what is spoken in tongues.



Event Details

Start Date : 2022-11-14

End Date : 2022-11-18

Event Venue

Venue : Power Ministry Course.

Address : St Mary Villa Rd, Khandala, Kune N.m., Maharashtra 410301